…insights from entrepreneurs in the food industry in Nigeria

Ep. 96 Naija Factor, Power plays and A sealed Restaurant


wise men have said pay on to caesar or to the wolves or  else you will be collateral damage and oh yeah this will make you a man. On the day I turned 40 my restaurant was sealed by at the least over zealous govt officials. No transparency no documentation just the apparent directive from the commissioner. We lost close to 2 days in sales, immense anxiety and that choking feeling of Thanos just came thru

We initially thought it was a shake down, in the end all they wanted was money, but some how egos came in , enough plot twist and too many lords and a “commissioner ” we later found out didnt give no directives to come shut lil ole bbq and cravings down .

my takeaway

  1. sometimes shit will happen and it will stain u
  2. improve your network
  3. the wolves will come one day and you may pay with a pound of flesh you report to mama wolf to set them in check
  4.  remain humble
  5. meditate and be present
  6. freedom is relative and sometimes beyond your control

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