…insights from entrepreneurs in the food industry in Nigeria

Episode 52 – How Social Media is killing your business


@bbqcravings @businessfeverng


To stay in the game you have to play by the rules; but  it doesn’t mean the rules are good for us. I think the rules ultimately might be bad but we still have to play the game.

How Social Media is killing your business

To stay in the game, you have to play by the Social Media Rules; but  it doesn’t mean the rules are good for us. I think the rules ultimately might be bad but we still have to play the game. listen to the podcast to know more

Image result for troubles in running a restaurant

My focus will be on instagram

By default every day, the algorithms kind of knows you more than you know yourself;  they keep track of a lot of data about you that we just can not fully process ourselves. They know the kinds of things that you like based on what you show interest in while online.

So Instagrams algorithm will constantly keep pushing things into our minds, planting that seed. What we don’t realize is as we keep going through, scrolling through social media, we pickup things, ideas and in some cases negative emotions  things that makes you feel like you are not just enough or things that makes you feel like you have to step up and improve. So there are good sides to this  but as we can’t we can’t filter everything that we see. So, I think some of these things affect us subconsciously and may cloud our decision making process.

  • You are enough and you are doing an excellent job.
  • Social Media gives an illusion of success packaged, and it will be counter intuitive to not follow but it will be misleading to follow.
  • It’s going to be hard for you to think differently when the social media algorithms push you bias data as truths or facts
  • Not everyone opinion counts- unless they are  respected Professionals or maybe your customers and even at that, they may still not count,
  • You are building a client base for Instagram Corporation and not your brand- they are just leasing the customer base you have worked hard to build back to you. You can be FIRED
  • Don’t lose your identity trying to be like the next brand on social media
  • Be true to your intent- Know and understand their intent when they give feedback
  • Even the critics have to build their brand and business, and you may just be a topic for them to do that
  • Don’t try and beat competition on their own terrain- social media almost makes you feel its all the same terrain
  • Business exist within a community- social media is not a community its more like an assembly
  • Stop using social media as an ego boost
  • Negative reviews will happen, eat it up and learn from it, but do not change the direction or momentum
  • Focus on getting real data of your customers, names, email and phone numbers- follower-ships don’t matter



Emeka is passionate about the Evolving Business Environment and the challenges bedevilling it. He is ardent and cognizant with the Restaurant Industry having worked in various outfits as a manager and consultant. He is presently working for BusinessFeverNg as the B.D.M and content editor.
Emeka is passionate about the Evolving Business Environment and the challenges bedevilling it. He is ardent and cognizant with the Restaurant Industry having worked in various outfits as a manager and consultant. He is presently working for BusinessFeverNg as the B.D.M and content editor.

About Author

Emeka is passionate about the Evolving Business Environment and the challenges bedevilling it. He is ardent and cognizant with the Restaurant Industry having worked in various outfits as a manager and consultant. He is presently working for BusinessFeverNg as the B.D.M and content editor.

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